“Let the Battle Begin” Let the Battle Begin Upset
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We have work to do.

Play It Cool Records has always been rooted in central Nebraska. We strive to keep introducing new artistic works into the world with a commitment to quality and artistic exploration. If there is one word that describes Play It Cool Record’s music and artist, the word is integrity. In this life, we truly believe to each their own, but basically, we don’t listen to a lot of Lil Wayne around here. Whether we‘re making hip-hop, folk or breaking it down and playing world percussion, we push ourselves to find the good stuff within us.

Just like many things in life, we are getting better with age. With more knowledge, more skills and more technology, we have been growing like no other time in our lives. We have a world-class team and network of people we collaborate with.

Play It Cool Records is a 100% independent, DIY record label that specializes in underground hip-hop, Americana folk and world percussion. Play It Cool Records moved from Kearney to Grand Island in 2011 and has remained there ever since. We feel like we have strong ties to both cities. We do most of our mixing in-house and hire people we trust and respect to handle the rest. We also do a lot of our album art in-house, but we also work with other visual artists and designers as well. As of today, Beatmaker Bill is the head project manager; helping our artists put everything together and helping everyone keep it together from conception to completion.

Play It Cool Records is still young and currently has three releases available, two from R.B.O. and one from Beatmaker Bill, with more than five releases scheduled for 2016.